New LEAP Series launches May 15th
The Des Moines Downtown Chamber is beginning a 10-month program series called LEAP (Leadership, Education, and Advancement Pipeline), a women's leadership development program. Each series event will feature an organization, speaker, or initiative with the goal to advance women in business by acting as a link for attendees to access mentors, positions on boards, leadership development skills, inspiration and more. The first event will take place on May 15th from 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM and will explore the topic of "The Business Case", a presentation from Nexus as a sneak peak preview of their new report. The Nexus Executive Women's Alliance presentation at the LEAP luncheon will give you a quick look at the current status of female leadership numbers and present the business case behind why it's in a company's self-interest to improve the gender balance on its leadership team.
To register for the event, go to the following link: