December Professional Member of the Month




1.What is the most exciting and energizing aspect of your current position?

My favorite part of my job has always been partnering with the A+D community, so the opportunity to be completely dedicated to that role for all of Iowa and South Dakota with Pigott this year has been an amazing opportunity.  Working with creative people and finding new ways to forge great relationships that at the end of the day positively impact the end results for our clients is my jam.

2. What was the last interesting podcast you listened to?

Looking Forward with Ryan Anderson, Global Insights with MillerKnoll is my favorite go-to for keeping up with the latest workplace research.

Ologies is a podcast my niece recently introduced me to, and I’m finding the dives into topics as wide ranging from Mycology to Vampirology pretty fascinating!

3. What professional accomplishment are you most proud of?

I love to learn so in general I’m proud that I am able to continuously gain and apply new knowledge every day in whatever position I find myself in.  As far as professional projects, the opportunity to work with an international team to contribute in even a small way to bringing the design intent of the Krause Gateway Center to life and adding a new gem to our Iowa community was an absolute delight.

4. What advice would you give to the next generation of female leaders?

Research thoroughly, listen carefully, and learn thoughtfully from history and great mentors around you, but absolutely follow your instincts in the end and forge new paths with confidence. The world needs your authenticity and creativity!

5. We are Iowa Women in Architecture; who were the female role models that inspired you? 

There have been so many, but one of my first influencers as a young professional was Kim Augspurger Mescher, the former owner of Saxton, now a leadership consultant to the Pigott team.  I had my professional design internship with Saxton many moons ago and Kim’s strong, smart, straightforward style has inspired me to this day.

Iowa Women in Architecture