May Professional Member of the Month

kelsi pelzer

form function studio

solutions designer +Studio Manager

1. What is the most exciting and energizing aspect of your current position?

Bettering my clients’ lives through design whether it be at home, work, or play, is hands down the best part about my job. Bringing them along through the process of creating their dreams and watching their eyes light up when they see the pieces of the puzzle fall into the right place is motivating and inspiring.

2. What is a design detail that inspires or excites you?

Space planning is the most thrilling and inspiring step in the design process for me. It is truly like completing a puzzle and the image you are working off is the client’s dream. The result is gratifying and helps set the stage for the rest of the design process.

3. What do you think the architecture profession of the future looks like?

Integrating more technology to assist designers and architects display our visions in a more clear and precise manner. This is truly crazy to think about because we have already come so far and can do so much.

4. What advice would you give to your younger self?

Be patient with yourself and allow yourself grace. There are no flowers if there is no rain. I would also remind my younger self, and all young women that the sky is the limit.

5. We are Iowa Women in Architecture; who were the female role models that inspired you?

Brigette Romanek not only has inspiring work, but her back story is also encouraging. She did not leap into interior design right away. There was a path that lead her to where she is and has helped form her into the interior designer she is today.