August Professional Member of the Month


Marilyn Stepanou

OPN Architects

Intern Architect

1. What is the most exciting and energizing aspect of your current position?

The fact that I am able to learn new things every single day from my peers and other experts in the field. I am capable of problem-solving, bringing people together, and improving communities through creative and innovative solutions

2. What was the last interesting podcast you listened to?

I am an avid podcast listener and there are so many that I love. My favorite ones would have to be Armchair Expert, Dr. Death, My Favorite Murder, and Dateline. One of the most inspiring ones I listened to recently have been "We are supported by... Oprah Winfrey" and "We are supported by...Malala Yousafzai"

3. What professional accomplishment are you most proud of?

I am extremely proud of where I am in my career with a little over a year out of school and simultaneously, I am delighted to be part of a team that constantly evolves, listens, and values their employees.  

4. What advice would you give to the next generation of female leaders?

Don’t be afraid to speak up and make mistakes.

5. We are Iowa Women in Architecture; who were the female role models that inspired you? 

My role models are my mother and my late grandmother. My mother’s patience, fearlessness, and positive attitude inspire me to do better every day, while my grandmothers’ stubbornness, determination, and strength taught me that giving up is never an option. I get my best qualities from them and my humor from my dad, but shhh, don’t tell him that.