February Student Member of the Month


Kianna Lechtenberg

Iowa State University

College of Design - Freshman

1. Why did you choose the design/construction field?

I considered many professions before deciding on architecture. I was attracted to the creative, research, and problem-solving components of architecture.

2. What is the most unusual medium you have used for a model, and what did it represent?

In one of my core design classes, my group and I utilized chains, vinyl, and hair ties to create a wearable poncho. These materials allowed the piece to have unique movements and sounds.

3. What has been your favorite studio trip so far?

I have yet to go on my first studio trip, but I am looking forward to seeing the challenges architects face in different areas.

4. What is the best advice you have received from a professor or mentor?

The best advice I have received is to look back at my earlier sketches and ideas. When I am not sure how to continue this helps me figure out my overall vision for the project.

5. How has Iowa Women in Architecture influenced you?

Iowa Women in Architecture has greatly influenced me this past year, as I am a first-year student still figuring things out. Many of my classes are online which makes it harder to connect with my professors and peers. This group has been a wonderful resource that has introduced me to other architects I can confide in. When speaking to the professionals in Iowa Women in Architecture they always offer greatly appreciated advice and insight.

Light Interpretation

This series of college models were inspired by the drawing. I especially like how different the models look when light shines through different areas.
