July Professional Member of the Month

Kelly Altes_Headshot.jpg

Kelly Altes

IMEG Corp.

Client Executive/ Principal

1. What is the most exciting and energizing aspect of your current position?

There are two main drivers that keep me motivated to continue to “show up” each day.  The first one is the team I work with daily.  They are exceptional engineers of all different disciplines!  Lucky for me, I get to work with talented people from all over the US.  This keeps me challenged and constantly learning from our team.  The second one is related to the clients we get to help out with exciting projects.  I enjoy getting to know our clients, how they run their business, what products they produce, and figuring out how our engineering solutions can push their business forward.  

2. What was the last interesting podcast you listened to?

The only podcast I listen to is The Ramsey Show.  I like Dave’s no-nonsense approach to callers with money questions.  More regularly, I am subjected to YouTube channels by my kids!  Mark Rober, Smarter Everyday, and Dude Perfect are family favorites.  

3. What professional accomplishment are you most proud of?

Becoming a Principal and Client Executive for our firm at age 40.  I have put much of my time and energy into my career, going above and beyond in many cases.  My husband and family have also sacrificed so I could invest what was needed to advance my career forward.  My co-workers have advocated for me and supported my goals for advancement.  While achieving this level at such a young age is a source of great pride, it is also something I fully recognize did not just happen by my actions alone.  

4. What advice would you give to the next generation of female leaders?

Take the risk.  Your colleagues/peers are taking the risk.  Explore - why are you hesitating?  Is your hesitation based on facts?  Or is it based on your perception?  Test your feelings against facts with a trusted mentor.  It is OK to feel fear, it is part of who you are.  Accept it, set the fear aside, and move forward with the scary thing anyway.  Take the risk.     

5. We are Iowa Women in Architecture; who were the female role models that inspired you? 

Most definitely my Mom. She leads by example to show me grit, grace, and compassion for others. Life is not always easy or fair, but how you choose to respond to external factors is entirely in your control!