March Professional Member of the Month


Samantha Fermholz

SVPA Architects

Associate Architect

1. What is the most exciting and energizing aspect of your current position?

The dogs that visit most Fridays and the premium coffee certainly keep the work week energizing. That said, I love that I have a job where each day I’m working through a new challenge or learning something new. I’ve had a lot of opportunities in this position to visit project sites and learn more about construction and have been exposed to new project types and their unique challenges. I’m grateful for the opportunities that push me to be a better designer.

2. What was the last interesting book you read?

I love reading anything by Venerable Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen. Recently I finished his autobiography Treasure in Clay. Every page was filled with substance and left me feeling joyful.

3. What professional accomplishment are you most proud of?

As of right now I’m most proud of passing my first of six ARE exams. The last thing I wanted to do after work was study, but I’m so grateful for the support and encouragement from my husband, family, and coworkers to put in the time and effort and get past the hurdle of that first exam. Now with that continued support I’m studying for my next exam and hope to soon be one step closer to becoming a licensed architect and better serve our clients.

4. How do you define success? And measure it?

I would have to echo what Jillissa Moorman said last month. There are certainly areas where I would measure my personal success quantitatively – for example passing my exams and becoming licensed. Most success, however, I would measure in quality. Individuals I would consider successful give of themselves to their families and their communities. If my husband and family feel loved, if clients and coworkers feel respected, and if I am continuing to grow personally and professionally then I’m successful.

5. We are Iowa Women in Architecture; who were the female role models that inspired you? 

I have been blessed to be surrounded by great female role models. My mother and grandmother have helped to shape my values and work ethic, and I have many friends who’s drive continuously inspires me. My friend Sara switched careers and went back to college to follow her passion and become a counselor. Pauline worked tirelessly to open a Montessori school and it’s now in its second year, and Tanya started a homeless ministry out in Denver years ago and befriends and loves individuals who are so often forgotten about. They have exceptional achievements, but I’m inspired by their love of others and strive to live that out in my professional and personal life.