October Professional Member of the Month


Melissa Watson

Substance Architecture

Architectural Designer

1. What is the most exciting and energizing aspect of your current position?

I am continually energized by the dynamic nature of the profession and how it plays out in the day-to-day responsibilities of my position. I learn something new each day and love that each project I have worked on has brought with it different design strategies to respond thoughtfully to varying contexts, programs, and user needs.

2. What was the last interesting podcast you listened to?

I don’t listen to podcasts often, but I do enjoy reading. Lifescale by Brian Solis is a book that has recently opened my perspective about self-discovery and creative growth. It can be super easy to get distracted by our phones/technology and this book taps into ways to become more mindful and productive.

3. What professional accomplishment are you most proud of?

The answer seems so simple, but I am proud to be in my current position in a fresh new city surrounding. Graduating during the initial impact of the pandemic taught me patience, resilience, and gratitude, and I am thankful for the opportunities I have been given so far and the supportive team at Substance that have helped me grow since starting this new chapter.

4. What advice would you give to the next generation of female leaders?

Remain adaptable and open to new challenges and bring your passion and strengths to each new experience you encounter.

5. We are Iowa Women in Architecture; who were the female role models that inspired you? 

My mother and two sisters-in-law – Lindsey and Megan – are three women that inspire and support me through all my endeavors. They demonstrate humility, empathy, and positivity and I hope to bring these qualities not only to the profession but to all the relationships I build with others.