September Professional Member of the Month

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Shelby Klooster

RDG Planning + Design

Lighting Designer

1. What is the most exciting and energizing aspect of your current position?

The level of integration we get to have during and after construction to ensure a space is performing appropriately and is adhering to the expectations of the architect/owner. We make beautiful places, even if it means getting on a ladder to make adjustments ourselves; I love the level of involvement I get to have in the final product.

2. What was the last interesting podcast you listened to?

BitCoin; I can’t remember the name but the scandals and development around electronic currencies are fascinating. I was actually a victim of listening to this on a recent road trip with my boyfriend. I don’t usually listen to podcasts but this one was definitely one of the more interesting I’ve heard in my limited experience.

3. What professional accomplishment are you most proud of?

WILDesMoines definitely. I wasn’t looking to make large splashes right after moving to Iowa, but after some encouragement from the national chapter of Women In Lighting Design (WILD) I was convinced of the need for some local representation and comradery. We have really blossomed since our start in 2019 and I am so proud of how far we’ve come. I also can’t wait to see where we go next!

4. What advice would you give to the next generation of female leaders?

Stay true to your ideals and don’t be afraid to speak up. Oftentimes, especially when you are young, it can feel out of place to stand your ground or have an opinion in a room of perceived experts, but I have found that sometimes the newest faces bring the freshest perspective. It’s important to know your value and share your worth with others at the table; growth can only happen when there is collaborative engagement.

5. We are Iowa Women in Architecture; who were the female role models that inspired you? 

My mom is probably the strongest woman I know, and she inspires me every day to work hard and speak up. I am fortunate to have many strong female leaders in my life, from my time in Philadelphia to my fellow female colleagues at RDG, and not to forget the fabulous women who help lead WILD here in Iowa. They all are all role models for me and remind me that strong female leadership comes in many forms.