April Professional Member of the Month

Katie Harms

OPN Architects


1. What is the most exciting and energizing aspect of your current position?

I’m energized by the people I collaborate with and the projects I’m working on. Each day brings a different schedule and opportunities to learn and grow. I am excited about what we can accomplish together, helping people grow, and working with clients to achieve their goals. I practice as a Generalist Architect, which allows me to lead different project types and interact with various clients and consultants.

2. What was the last interesting podcast you listened to?

I’m not a big podcast listener, but I will say I read a book by Shonda Rhimes called the “Year of Yes” that inspired me. It was about Shonda’s personal journey to push herself out of her comfort zone and grow as a person. Her story made me take a second look at my life and what I wanted out of it. I too decided to have a year of YES after I read that book! I took more risks, said “Yes” to opportunities I might pass by, didn’t sweat the small things, and enjoyed what I had and those around me.

3. What professional accomplishment are you most proud of?

There are many accomplishments that led up to being the first woman from Iowa to receive the AIA National Young Architect Award back in 2012. That was a huge honor for me to be a part of a small group of leaders from across the nation. I was able to be a part of efforts locally, regionally, and nationally within the AIA as part of the National Associates Committee and Young Architects Forum. I worked on large-scale projects within OPN, led discussions at AIA conferences, and promoted the development of emerging professionals.

4. What advice would you give to the next generation of female leaders?

Never lose sight of your goals and make the most of every learning opportunity you encounter. Ask as many questions as you can, don’t be afraid to take risks, and stay true to your values and what you want to become. I experienced doubt from people when I was young about “making it” as an architect and it only fueled my determination to push myself further and harder to be where I am today.

5. We are Iowa Women in Architecture; who were the female role models that inspired you? 

My mother is my number one role model. She is a successful teacher that has an amazing work ethic, always puts others first, taught me the value of knowing what you have, and to never give up on my aspirations. I am surrounded by amazing women every day – young and seasoned. We all have something to share and teach others. Continue to do what you can to promote other women and bring them up with you on your journey!