May Professional Member of the Month

Brenda Golwitzer

Integrated Sales Inc.


1. What is the most exciting and energizing aspect of your current position?

Some of the most exciting aspects of what I do include opportunities to be involved in a large variety of projects. Helping our partners identify solutions to unique applications and see the finished project come together to serve the needs of the client is rewarding.

2. What was the last interesting podcast you listened to?

I enjoy listening to podcasts from motivational speakers.  Some days, there is so much negativity in the news that it’s nice to focus for a bit on the positive things we can do within our own lives.  One I recently listened to was from Motivation Daily by Motiversity with Denzel Washington.

3. What professional accomplishment are you most proud of?

My husband and I started Integrated Sales during the economic downturn of 2008. Fortunately, we had great manufacturers and industry partners to help us be successful.

4. What advice would you give to the next generation of female leaders?

My advice would be to ask for assignments/responsibilities that aren’t typically in your wheelhouse or area of expertise. Many of the opportunities I’ve received throughout my career have been from experiences I didn’t even think would be relevant in future positions and/or projects.

5. We are Iowa Women in Architecture; who were the female role models that inspired you? 

I’m not sure I can point to any well-known female role models that really made an impact specifically in my life; however, I will say that I am constantly in awe of how my mother worked nights as a nurse and somehow also managed to raise nine kids.  I am still inspired by how she held it all together and did so with grace and kindness.