Business Record
Fearless: Be more. Fear less.
November 11th - 11:30AM - 1:00 PM
On November 11th, the Business Record’s women-focused newsletter Lift IOWA becomes…. Fearless. The new multiplatform, statewide initiative is designed to help women and the companies and allies who both value and support them. We invite you to join us on the journey at an interactive launch event that will allow you to be inspired by and connect with a diverse cross-section of fearless women and learn about the Business Record’s new expanded initiative featuring a revamped e-newsletter, more in-depth reporting and new events.
About the Event:
1) Hear and learn from personal stories from three women who have faced fears and challenges on their journey.
2) Connect in networking breakout sessions with a diverse cross-section of female leaders including Fearless Advocate and IAWIA Chair, Holly Ernst!
3) Share our plans to leverage Fearless and empower all Iowa women.